Sunday, September 11, 2011

Henny Penny

One day Henny Penny, a chubby, likeable, not-very-bright chicken experienced - as they say - a life altering event.

She got hit on the head by an acorn.

Just an acorn. That's a seed from a tree for you city folks.

But Henny Penny was prone to hysteria, so she immediately concluded that total annihilation was at hand.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I must go and tell the King," said Henny Penny.

So she went along and she went along and she went along until she met Cocky Locky.

"Where are you going, Henny Penny?" asked Cocky Locky.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I'm going to tell the King," said Henny Penny.

"Can I go with you?" asked Cocky Locky. "Of course," said Henny Penny.

So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Ducky Lucky.

"Where are you going, Henny Penny and Cocky Locky?" asked Ducky Lucky.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the King," said Henny Penny.

"Can I go with you?" asked Ducky Lucky. "Of course," said Henny Penny.

So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Goosey Loosey.

"Where are you going, Henny Penny and Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky?" asked Goosey Loosey.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the King," said Henny Penny.

"Can I go with you?" asked Goosey Loosey. "Of course," said Henny Penny.

So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Turkey Lurkey.

And Chickin Lickin.

And Rooster Booster.

And Pigeon Figeon.

And Sparrow Darrow.

And Robin Sobbin. And many others that you may have heard of.

All of them said, "Where are you going, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky," and so on.

All of them asked to go with Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, and so on.

And, "Of course," said the inmmitable, unflappable Henny Penny, who by now had forgotton her fear and was enjoying the crowd of friends she was bringing with her. "Boy, won't the King be impressed with how many friends I have!" thought Henny Penny to herself.

So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Foxy Woxy, who asked, "Where are you going, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosy Loosy, Turkey Lurky, Chicken Licken, Rooster Booster, Pigeon Figeon, Sparrow Darrow, and Robin Sobbin?" (and others you may have heard of)

Upon learning that they were going to see the King with this questionable news, Foxy Woxy recognized his golden opportunity.

"Let me help you," he said, "I know a short cut."

Henny Penny couldn't wait to impress the King, so she and her entourage eagerly followed Foxy Woxy to a cave in the woods. "This is the way," said Foxy Woxy at the very dark entrance to his lair. "I'll go in first, and you follow, one by one because the way is narrow."

OK, Parents. Cover the children's ears, or send them to bed, because modern children are too delicate to be exposed to the violence which is about to follow. Ready? OK:

Foxy Woxy waited in the cave and all those silly fowl filed in one at a time.

And one at a time he broke their necks and stacked their bodies in a corner.

Foxy Woxy had a full pantry throughout the winter, and emerged from his cave in the spring just fatter than a fox should be!

And the King never found out that the sky was falling.

Moral: If a leader uses fear to motivate you, be cautious. If you turn off your brain and just follow the crowd to fit in, stop and think. And if a fox lures you into a dark cave, take a flashlight and a neck brace.

Th th th th aat's all, folks!

1 comment:

Jude Ongley-Mowris said...

What did you have for breakfast! This was hysterical! What a wonderful service you give your readers.......laughter!
Jude *